Welcome to Northside Middle School's Title I Family Engagement Page
My name is Danielle Jewett, and I am Northside Middle School's Family Engagement Liaison. Let me tell you a little about Title I!
The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children, regardless of their situation, have a fair opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. The Title I Program supports the academic success of students by providing additional teachers, support staff, personnel, instructional materials, supplies and technology to support student learning. There are also numerous capacity building events for parents and families, and professional development opportunities for school staff.
Family Engagement is an integral part of the Title I Program. We welcome all parents and family members to join our Parent Action Team (PAT). While we will meet two times a year to develop and revise our Parent and Family Engagement Plan and the School-Parent Compact, we welcome your input all throughout the school year. Feel free to use this link at any time to offer your input and/or suggestions: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SDMFamilyInput I can also be reached Monday thru Friday from 7:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. at (478) 988-6200 ext. 2771, or by email at: danielle.jewett@hcbe.net.
Please feel free to visit our Parent Resource Center, located in the front office. There, you will find a wealth of information on a variety of topics including: parenting, Infinite Campus, our Parent Action Team (PAT), & all things Title I Related. You can also follow us on Instagram, like our Facebook page, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel, "Northside Middle Family Engagement & Title I" . We look forward to seeing you soon!

Meet our EL Task Force!
Pictured: Stinger, Watts, Jewett, Roberts, Carbajal, Ellis, Stephens, Mitchell. Not Pictured: A. Brown, Clark, Hurt, Diaz, Gordan, Nelson

Ebony Lodge #433 donated backpacks and school supplies to NMS students!!
Title I Documents
- District Parent and Family Engagement Plan 22-23.pdf
- Georgia School Grade Report
- NMS Title I Handbook 23-24
- NSM Title I Handbook 23-24 Spanish.pdf
- Parent Satisfaction Survey 2023.pdf
- Right To Know Professional Qualifications of Teachers and Paraprofessionals.jpeg
- Title 1 Action Plan 23-24.docx
- What Parents Should Know About Title I
NMS Newsletters 2022-2023
Parent Resource Center
Understanding Copyright, Public Domain, and Fair Use
Annual Title 1 Power Point
Meet Our Family Engagement Coordinators
Title Talk Session One